Biden Campaign Launches Digital Ad to Woo Haley Supporters
Stephanie Scarbrough/AP

In the wake of a record-breaking fundraising event, the Biden campaign unveiled a compelling digital ad on Friday, targeting voters who previously supported former GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley. This group, a mix of Republicans and moderates disillusioned by Donald Trump, is a key demographic the Biden team is keen to attract as the general election campaign kicks off.

The ad features snippets of the former president disparaging Haley, labeling her a “birdbrain,” “a very angry person,” and “not presidential timber.” One clip shows Trump responding to a question about attracting Haley voters, to which he dismissively responds, “I’m not sure we need too many.” The ad’s text counters, “If you voted for Nikki Haley, Donald Trump doesn’t want your vote.” The ad concludes with a call to action: “Save America. Join us.”

The digital ad campaign will focus on battleground states, particularly suburban areas where Haley enjoys strong support. Haley suspended her campaign earlier this month.

“Based on recent Republican primary results, this seven-figure, video-centric ad campaign will run for three weeks in eight key battleground states, targeting Nikki Haley voters in predominantly suburban ZIP codes where she performed well against Trump,” the Biden campaign announced. The ad will be featured on various digital platforms, including Meta, YouTube, connected TV, and online video.

This strategic move follows the Biden campaign’s efforts to court Haley supporters and donors since her withdrawal from the race. Campaign co-chair Jeffrey Katzenberg and finance chair Rufus Gifford have reportedly engaged with members of Haley’s donor network. There are also talks of organizing a fundraiser specifically for former Haley supporters, a campaign official revealed.

Shortly after Haley suspended her campaign, President Joe Biden issued a statement welcoming Haley supporters into his campaign. “It takes a lot of courage to run for President – that’s especially true in today’s Republican Party, where so few dare to speak the truth about Donald Trump. Nikki Haley was willing to speak the truth about Trump: about the chaos that always follows him, about his inability to see right from wrong, about his cowering before Vladimir Putin,” Biden said.

The Biden campaign aims to underscore shared values with Haley, including the preservation of democracy, NATO, and the rule of law.