Biden Reverses Reagan's Iconic Question in New Offensive Against Trump
Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

In a fresh offensive against former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden is repurposing the famous Reagan-era question, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” to remind voters of the Trump administration’s tenure. This question, originally used by Ronald Reagan in his 1980 campaign against then-President Jimmy Carter, has traditionally been employed to challenge incumbents seeking re-election. However, Biden is now using it to highlight the state of the nation during Trump’s term.

Biden’s campaign is making a concerted effort to remind voters of Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and other key issues during his time in office, as they gear up for a potential rematch in November. Trump’s campaign has also been using the question to draw contrasts with Biden, particularly on the economy and immigration.

Biden’s New Messaging Push

Biden previewed his new messaging strategy at a Dallas fundraiser, where he responded to Trump’s use of the question at a recent rally. He outlined the state of the US in March 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic led to a healthcare crisis, economic downturn, and the loss of hundreds of thousands of American lives. Biden emphasized that these events occurred under Trump’s watch, and criticized Trump’s attempts to downplay the virus.

Biden’s campaign followed up with a new digital ad, featuring images of empty grocery store shelves and Trump at the White House podium, juxtaposed with Trump’s question, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” The ad ends with a bold “Yes.”

Recent Polling and Future Challenges

Recent polls suggest a close race between Biden and Trump at the national level and in key battleground states. One of the challenges for Biden’s campaign is to remind voters of the anxiety during Trump’s presidency. Biden acknowledged this challenge during a meeting with campaign workers and volunteers in Reno, Nevada, expressing concern over some voters’ “nostalgia” for the Trump presidency.

Reagan’s Legacy and Biden’s Strategy

Reagan’s question has become a classic campaign strategy, used to great effect in his 1980 campaign against Carter. However, Biden, like Carter, faces his own popularity issues, including pessimistic views on his handling of the economy. Despite this, Biden is attempting to turn the tables on Trump’s use of the phrase, reminding voters of the state of the nation during Trump’s term.

Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign has also been using the phrase, with Trump posting on Truth Social, “ARE YOU BETTER OFF THAN YOU WERE FOUR YEARS AGO?” However, some Republicans see the limitations of this approach, especially as it recalls the turmoil of the early Covid-19 era in 2020.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who lost to Trump in 2016, used the Reagan-era question to criticize her former opponent on social media, suggesting that Trump is the only one who can say he was better off four years ago.