Biden's State of the Union Address: A Display of Vigor and Forcefulness
Win McNamee/Getty Images

In his State of the Union address on Thursday night, President Joe Biden, 81, sought to dispel concerns about his age and fitness for a second term. His performance was a calculated display of strength and vitality, aimed at countering perceptions of weakness.

Biden’s voice was robust, his responses quick, and his command of the House of Representatives chamber was evident. He effectively used the theatrics of the presidency to command an hour of unfiltered primetime television.

Throughout the address, Biden revived his image as a blue-collar street politician, even using the term “illegal” instead of the more politically correct “undocumented migrant”. He also took aim at the GOP for their role in the border crisis, accusing them of sabotaging a bipartisan border bill for political gain.

Biden’s speech also addressed the trauma of the January 6, 2021, mob attack on the US Capitol, criticizing his predecessor and some Republicans for attempting to bury the truth of the event. He reminded them of their oath of office and the duty to defend against all threats, foreign and domestic.

Despite his age and the burdens of office, Biden’s energetic performance was a reminder of his potential to overcome low approval ratings. However, to do so, he will need to replicate this performance in the coming months.

Biden’s Response to Trump

It is unusual for a president to spend so much time addressing his electoral opponent in an annual address. However, Biden repeatedly took shots at Trump, referring to him only as “my predecessor”.

He contrasted Trump’s approach to foreign policy with his own, particularly in relation to Russia and China. Biden criticized Trump for his perceived softness on these nations and outlined his own steps to bolster regional alliances and protect US technology.

Despite the strength of Biden’s delivery, it remains to be seen how it will affect voters and wavering Democrats. His political position is precarious, and no single speech can guarantee his reelection.

Republican Reactions

Some Republicans criticized Biden’s delivery, accusing him of mistaking loudness for strength. Others complained that Biden had politicized a traditionally non-partisan event.

However, Biden’s use of the annual speech to attack his 2024 opponent was a calculated political risk. It also made the most of what may be his most potent political platform of the year.

The 2024 election represents a profound national crossroads between Biden’s traditional, American global leadership and Trump’s populist “America First” nationalism. This contrast was starkly highlighted in Biden’s opening remarks on Ukraine.


In his speech, Biden advocated for a different kind of strength – one rooted in democracy rather than in trying to destroy it. He sought to make his age a virtue rather than a liability, arguing that Trump is a creature of a dangerous past, while he has a positive vision of the future.

“Let’s build a future together and let’s remember who we are,” Biden said. This debate about two vastly different visions of the meaning and the soul of the country will decide the fates of both Biden and Trump come November.