Democratic Governors Urge Biden to Show More Fight
Nathan Howard/Getty Images

Several Democratic governors have urged President Joe Biden to adopt a more combative stance, expressing their concerns both publicly and privately. They believe that Biden needs to demonstrate the same fiery spirit he showed during a closed-door meeting with governors, where he was handed a letter by Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte demanding more action on the southern border.

These sentiments are expected to be reflected in Biden’s upcoming primetime speech, where he is anticipated to criticize corporations for exploiting consumers and accumulating profits. This move comes as Biden attempts to redirect public anger over rising prices, which has been negatively impacting his approval ratings.

Many top Democratic officials and operatives have expressed their frustration with Biden’s private criticisms of figures like Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They want to see the same passion and fire in public, as they believe the public perception of Biden’s demeanor does not match his behind-the-scenes attitude.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, one of Biden’s most active defenders, believes that the President needs to demonstrate his toughness. He also suggests that a more combative stance could help counter concerns about Biden’s age.

However, some Democratic officials are hesitant to voice their concerns publicly, fearing that it might draw more attention to Biden’s perceived shortcomings. They wish to see more passion and pride from the President, arguing that such political theatrics are crucial in the current political climate.

Despite the concerns, Biden’s aides are acutely aware of the importance of his upcoming speech. They are meticulously planning every word and gesture, knowing that they will be scrutinized as much as any policy proposals.

While Biden has shown a tendency to maintain a calm demeanor for the sake of civility in politics, his aides acknowledge that he would appear stronger if he were more combative. However, they also recognize the challenges in balancing this with the need to pass important legislation.

Despite the criticisms, the White House maintains that Biden is demonstrating his commitment to the American people and holding Republican officials accountable. They insist that Biden will continue to communicate the stakes of the upcoming election to voters.

However, Biden’s ability to comment on certain issues is limited. For instance, he cannot comment on Trump’s legal troubles due to his commitment to maintaining the independence of the Justice Department and courts. Similarly, he has to tread carefully when commenting on the situation in Gaza due to the sensitivity of the issue in the region.

Despite the challenges, Biden’s campaign is exploring new ways to engage with voters, including through social media platforms like TikTok. However, they are also aware that they need to carefully manage the timing and intensity of their messaging to avoid alienating voters.