DeSantis Enlists South Carolina Senator to Counter Haley's Rising Candidacy
Scott Olson/Getty Images

In a strategic move to counter the growing popularity of former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley’s presidential candidacy, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is bringing in South Carolina state Senator Josh Kimbrell to his campaign trail in Iowa. Kimbrell, a staunch conservative, has been instrumental in pushing a legislative agenda in his home state that mirrors the controversial laws DeSantis has championed in Florida.

“I respect Governor Haley, but I struggle to identify any significant conservative achievement during her tenure as governor. It’s also been challenging to pinpoint her stance on various issues,” Kimbrell shared in a recent phone interview. “I am familiar with her actions versus her claims.”

With the Iowa caucuses looming in less than three weeks, DeSantis’ campaign is feeling the pressure to curb Haley’s growing influence, while also contending with the persistent support for former President Donald Trump in the Hawkeye State.

DeSantis has been positioning himself as a “change agent” in recent interviews and campaign appearances, suggesting a move away not only from President Joe Biden, but also from the perceived shortcomings of the Trump era and the so-called establishment Republicans in Washington he believes are backing Haley.

However, DeSantis’ campaign has been struggling to meet the high expectations set by his resounding 2022 reelection victory. Despite his past policy victories and his attempts to engage in cultural battles, DeSantis is facing a Republican electorate that remains loyal to the former president and is more focused on international issues, immigration, and the economy.

DeSantis’ campaign is also dealing with the rising threat from Haley, forcing him into a two-front battle that has complicated his efforts to use Iowa as a launchpad for his nomination. A super PAC supporting DeSantis, Fight Right, has been airing ads targeting Haley’s record as governor.

Haley’s campaign has dismissed Kimbrell’s involvement and highlighted her accomplishments, including the enactment of voter ID laws and crackdown on illegal immigration. “It’s unfortunate to see Ron DeSantis resorting to such desperate, weak attacks, but nothing will salvage his faltering campaign,” said her campaign spokeswoman Nachama Soloveichik.

Despite the challenges, DeSantis’ most committed supporters and advisers remain hopeful of a campaign resurgence. The coming weeks leading up to the Iowa caucuses will be crucial in determining whether DeSantis can turn the tide in his favor.