DeSantis Targets Trump at CNN Town Hall in Iowa
Will Lanzoni/CNN

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis demonstrated a renewed vigor in challenging former President Donald Trump during a CNN town hall in Iowa on Tuesday, with the state’s caucuses looming just five weeks away. DeSantis skillfully turned many questions into opportunities to draw comparisons between his gubernatorial record and Trump’s presidency.

DeSantis Criticizes Trump’s Economic and Border Policies

When asked about the economy, DeSantis claimed that Trump “set the stage” for the current inflation crisis. He also criticized Trump’s handling of the border crisis, pointing out that Trump failed to complete the border wall and that Mexico did not fund it as promised.

DeSantis Accuses Trump of Inconsistency on Abortion

DeSantis also took aim at Trump’s stance on abortion, accusing the former president of “flip-flopping on the right to life.” He even attributed the controversial display by the Satanic Temple of Iowa at the state Capitol, which has sparked a free speech debate, to the Trump administration’s decision to grant the group tax-exempt status in 2019.

DeSantis’ Strategy: Focus on the Front-Runner

DeSantis’ strategy was clear from the outset of the town hall, which took place at Grand View University in Des Moines and was moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper. He aimed to close his polling gap in Iowa with Trump by launching an early offensive, blaming Trump for the country’s inflation woes under current President Joe Biden and for his Republican rival’s actions at the start of the Covid pandemic.

DeSantis’ Criticisms of Trump

DeSantis’ criticisms of Trump were extensive and varied. He faulted Trump for failing to finish the wall at the US-Mexico border, for not debating him, for criticizing Florida’s new six-week abortion ban, and for not replacing Obamacare with a Republican alternative. He also suggested that Trump’s public statements have become unpredictable, saying, “When he gets off the teleprompter now, you don’t know what he’s gonna say.”

DeSantis’ Stance on Abortion

DeSantis defended Florida’s six-week abortion ban, which includes limited exceptions for cases of rape, incest, pregnancies that jeopardize the life of the mother, and fatal fetal defects. He argued that the law is compassionate and consistent, in contrast to Trump’s alleged flip-flopping on the issue.

DeSantis’ Muted Approach

DeSantis’ approach at the town hall was notably more subdued than his usual speeches and town halls, which are often infused with conservative culture war buzzwords. Instead, he focused on issues that polls show are top of mind for the broader electorate.

DeSantis’ Views on Israel and Palestine

DeSantis also expressed disagreement with President Biden’s assertion that Israel’s government does not want a two-state solution, arguing that such a solution would be impossible because some groups “want to destroy Israel more than they want their own state.”

DeSantis’ Position on Health Care and Social Security

Although DeSantis criticized Trump for not implementing a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, he did not provide specific details about his own health care plan. He also criticized Nikki Haley’s position on reforming Social Security, but largely avoided specifics on how he would preserve its longevity.