Manchin's Potential Late Entry into Senate Race: A Long-Shot Scenario
Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call

In a recent conversation with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia discussed the possibility of a late entry into the US Senate race as an independent candidate. This move, while unlikely, could be a last-ditch effort to retain his seat.

Manchin, who has previously expressed his intention to retire from the Senate, confirmed to CNN that he had discussed this potential bid with Schumer. However, he emphasized that such a campaign is highly unlikely, though he did not completely rule out the possibility before the August filing deadline.

“I think that’s a long, long, long-shot scenario,” Manchin commented on the prospect of running as an independent. “So I don’t anticipate that happening. I don’t anticipate running.” When asked if this meant he had completely shut the door on the idea, he responded, “I don’t know if anything in Washington, DC, is 100%.”

With the Senate Democratic leaders facing a challenging Senate map and the near certainty of losing the West Virginia seat if Manchin retires, they would likely support the conservative Democrat if he decided to run. Manchin’s presence in the race could force national Republicans to invest heavily in West Virginia to flip the seat red, diverting resources from other key targets.

According to a source familiar with his remarks, Schumer has even mentioned this scenario to donors. However, a spokesperson for Schumer declined to comment on the matter.

Democratic insiders suggest that this idea could gain traction if Don Blankenship, the former coal mining executive who served a year in jail for conspiring to violate mine health and safety standards, becomes their party’s nominee in West Virginia. Blankenship, who ran as a Republican in the 2018 Senate primary but lost, switched parties in 2024 to run in the contested Democratic primary for Manchin’s seat.

Some allies of Manchin believe that if Blankenship faces off against Gov. Jim Justice, the GOP nomination front-runner, Manchin could potentially win with a plurality of voters. Manchin has until August 1 to file as an independent.

Sen. Gary Peters of Michigan, the chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, expressed openness to the idea, stating, “He’s a great senator. … But it’s going to be up to him to decide.”

Manchin, who has announced he will not run for reelection or seek the White House on a third-party ticket, has stated his focus remains on working with his daughter on a new super PAC promoting centrist politics. Regarding the potential of Blankenship becoming the nominee and how that could alter his plans, Manchin said he would wait to see how the May 14 primary shapes up.

Manchin acknowledged his ongoing discussions with Schumer, saying, “Chuck and I have conversations about everything.” He also recognized that if Blankenship wins the nomination, the conversation about his potential run will likely be revisited.

“I understand the scenario,” Manchin told CNN. “I want my state to be represented properly by someone who has a passion for our state. So we just have to see what unfolds. Really – after the primary … it’ll tell you a lot more.”

Reporting contributed by Sam Fossum, CNN.