Michigan GOP Leadership Battle Spills Over to Presidential Delegate Selection
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The Michigan Republican Party is set to hold its state convention on Saturday, but the event is mired in controversy due to a leadership dispute that has spilled over into the process of awarding presidential delegates. The convention is set to take place in Grand Rapids, Battle Creek, Houghton Lake, and potentially Detroit.

The leadership battle began months ago, with factions within the party threatening to hold their own district-level meetings instead of attending the statewide event. Despite the internal strife, it is expected that former President Donald Trump will secure most, if not all, of the 39 delegates to the Republican National Convention that are up for grabs.

However, the ongoing chaos within the Michigan GOP, a crucial swing state, has raised concerns among strategists and party leaders about potential implications for the November general election. “Would it be great if there was a state party? Absolutely,” quipped Michigan Republican strategist Stu Sandler.

The dispute is rooted in the state party’s decision to oust former chairwoman Kristina Karamo in January and replace her with Pete Hoekstra, a former ambassador and congressman. Karamo, a staunch supporter of Trump’s election fraud claims, had been elected to the post a year earlier as part of a grassroots takeover of the state GOP. Her tenure, however, was marked by controversy and financial turmoil, culminating in her January ouster.

Despite Hoekstra’s endorsement by Trump and recognition as the state party chair by the Republican National Committee, Karamo refused to step aside for weeks, arguing that her removal was illegitimate. However, Kent County Circuit Court Judge J. Joseph Rossi ruled this week that Karamo was properly removed from her position on January 6, and ordered her to cease representing herself as the party chair.

The leadership dispute has also raised questions about the awarding of 39 of the party’s 55 presidential delegates, scheduled to be decided at a Saturday caucus convention. Karamo had planned a convention in Detroit, while Hoekstra scheduled one in Grand Rapids for the same day and time. After days of back-and-forth, the Detroit convention appears to be off, leaving delegations from 24 counties potentially unable to attend the Grand Rapids convention due to missed registration deadlines.

Despite the turmoil, Hoekstra expressed his commitment to resolving the dispute and ensuring a strong and unified party. “We are continuing to investigate ways to allow delegates to participate on Saturday even though rules for credentialing were not followed,” Hoekstra said. “I want a strong and unified party moving forward. That’s my goal, hope others agree that’s what we need to win in November.”

Karamo, however, accused Hoekstra of “tyrannical behavior” and blamed him for the “massive confusion” surrounding the convention. She also vowed to continue her legal battle to retake control of the state GOP, saying that “this fight is not over.”

The Saturday meeting in Grand Rapids โ€” and potentially, GOP gatherings elsewhere โ€” comes five days after Trump bested former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in Michigan’s primary. The state is awarding its delegates through a split process, with 16 up for grabs in the primary and the remaining 39 to be decided Saturday; three will go to the winner of each of the state’s 13 congressional districts.

The split contests are the result of Republicans’ reaction to Democrats’ decision to shake up the party’s presidential nominating calendar after the 2020 election โ€” demoting Iowa and New Hampshire, moving South Carolina and Nevada to the forefront and placing Michigan third in its new lineup.