Michigan GOP in Turmoil Ahead of 2024 Presidential Election

The Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, a traditional gathering of GOP power players in Michigan, took an unexpected turn this year. The event, usually a significant fundraiser for the Michigan Republican Party, was marked by a lack of high-profile attendees and a lineup of speakers that raised eyebrows.

The only presidential candidate present was Vivek Ramaswamy, who has been polling in single digits. Other speakers included Kari Lake, a failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate, Zuby, a British rapper with occasional Fox News appearances, and actor Jim Caviezel, known for promoting QAnon conspiracy theories. Notably absent was conservative provocateur Dinesh D’Souza.

Warren Carpenter, an active party member and former district chair, described the event as a “disaster,” reflecting deeper issues within the Michigan state party. A CNN review of documents and interviews with over 20 current and former party officials reveals a party entangled in financial turmoil, infighting, and calls for new leadership.

Leadership Controversy

Kristina Karamo, a former community college professor with limited political experience, became the head of the state party in February. Her tenure has been marked by controversy, with some party members accusing her of failing to fundraise and causing division within the party. A petition calling for a meeting to consider her removal has been signed by dozens of the party’s state committee members.

The party’s financial situation has also been a cause for concern. A report commissioned by Carpenter suggests that the party had a net income of just $71,000 between March and November and had more than $600,000 in debt as of last month.

State Party Importance

Political consultants argue that effective state parties, which organize voting drives and other local efforts, are often essential to win close elections. Former President Donald Trump won Michigan in 2016 but lost to Joe Biden in 2020. A recent CNN poll found Trump has 50% support in the state to Biden’s 40%.

Internal Disputes

Internal disputes within the party have led to a web of conspiracy theories. Some party members allege Karamo is part of a malicious plot, while her defenders make similar allegations about her critics. The controversy has led to a decline in financial support from traditional donors.

Conference Controversy

The Mackinac conference, usually a boost to party morale and finances, was seen as a disappointment this year. The only presidential candidate to attend was Ramaswamy, and actor Caviezel was paid a $110,000 fee to attend and give a 25-minute speech.

Election on the Line

Republican strategists believe winning Michigan is essential for winning the White House, making an organized state party crucial. Karamo’s critics believe a change in leadership is necessary for that to happen.