Michigan Rep. Tlaib Urges Voters to Demand Ceasefire Support from Biden
Graeme Sloan/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Democratic representative from Michigan and a vocal critic of President Joe Biden’s approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict, has urged her constituents to vote “uncommitted” in the upcoming Michigan primary. Tlaib, who made history as the first Palestinian American woman in Congress, expressed her frustration with the perceived neglect from the government in a video released on Saturday by the Listen to Michigan campaign.

“If you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted,” Tlaib implored, reflecting a growing discontent within the Democratic party over Biden’s handling of the Middle Eastern conflict. The president has faced increasing criticism, with protestors using phrases such as “Genocide Joe” and “ceasefire now” during his campaign events.

Michigan, a state with one of the largest populations of Arab Americans and Muslims in the nation, is a crucial battleground state. Democrats are concerned that alienating this key demographic could potentially jeopardize Biden’s standing in a state that was instrumental to his 2020 victory and is expected to be fiercely contested in the upcoming November elections.

Tlaib, a progressive stalwart representing parts of Detroit and its suburbs, has previously accused Biden of supporting a Palestinian “genocide”. She warned that his response to the conflict will not be forgotten by the American people when he seeks reelection. “Mr. President, the American people are not with you on this one,” Tlaib stated in a November video, adding, “We will remember in 2024.”

The Listen to Michigan campaign, comprising over 30 Michigan officials, has pledged to vote “uncommitted” in the state’s presidential primary on February 27. Their aim is to pressure Biden into supporting a ceasefire. “It is also important to create a voting bloc,” Tlaib said in the Saturday video. “Something that is a bullhorn to say, enough is enough. We don’t want a country that supports wars and bombs and destruction. We want to support life. We want to stand up for every single life killed in Gaza.”

Earlier this month, administration officials met with Arab American leaders in Michigan in an attempt to assuage the uproar over Biden’s support for Israel and his reluctance to publicly call for a ceasefire. However, some attendees expressed dissatisfaction with the meeting’s outcomes. A spokesperson for Listen to Michigan described the meeting as “yet another failure from the Biden administration to call for an immediate ceasefire that saves lives.”

Contributions to this report were made by CNN’s Michael Williams and Camila DeChalus.