Popularity of Taylor Swift vs. Conspiracy Theories: A Political Perspective
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In what could be considered one of the most peculiar conspiracy theories, a section of former President Donald Trump’s supporters allege that pop icon Taylor Swift is part of a clandestine government operation to bolster Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. They have attempted to tarnish her reputation, a move that polling data suggests is a strategic misstep.

Swift, one of America’s most beloved figures, enjoys a popularity that these Republicans seem to underestimate. A recent Monmouth University poll reveals that Swift has a 39% favorable rating, with only 13% unfavorable, and 43% expressing no opinion. Among those who do have an opinion, a whopping 75% view her positively. Even within Republican circles, she has a 25% favorable to 18% unfavorable rating, indicating that more Republicans appreciate her than those who don’t.

These figures align with a Marist College poll from December, which showed similar results once those without an opinion were excluded. In comparison, Trump’s popularity lags behind Swift’s, with a 45% favorable to a 55% unfavorable rating among those with an opinion.

Swift’s popularity surpasses that of any current national politician. Her favorable-to-unfavorable ratio is reminiscent of Oprah Winfrey’s influence during the 2008 presidential election. Swift, like Winfrey, consistently makes headlines. Her endorsement of Democrats and her ability to mobilize new voters have led some to hope she could have a similar impact on Biden’s campaign.

Swift’s support for liberal causes and her boyfriend’s promotion of Covid-19 vaccinations may be why some Trump supporters target her. However, the leap from Swift’s political leanings to a covert government operation is a stretch that most Americans are not willing to make. Only 18% of Americans believe in such a conspiracy theory, while a significant majority (73%) dismiss it as false.

Despite the conspiracy theories, the majority of Americans who have an opinion on Swift view her favorably. There’s no measurable backlash against her or those associated with her. Swift’s popularity has only contributed to the success of others, including her boyfriend’s podcast and the recent Super Bowl’s record ratings among young women, a core Swift demographic. Any Republican opposing Swift would be making a significant error.