President Biden's Address to Congress: A Turning Point in His Presidency
Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

President Joe Biden is set to deliver a pivotal speech to Congress and the American public on Thursday. This address is expected to highlight his achievements during his first term and caution the nation about what he perceives as a destructive threat to its existence.

Traditionally, State of the Union addresses have been platforms for presidents to showcase their unifying and presidential qualities. However, the primary results from Super Tuesday, which have essentially narrowed down the 2024 campaign to a two-man race, lend this year’s address a political undertone.

While it remains uncertain whether Biden will mention former President Donald Trump, the 2024 general election campaign will, in essence, commence with Biden’s speech. This address will provide a crucial opportunity for voters to assess Biden’s capabilities and stamina, especially in light of recent concerns about his age and health.

Highlighting Economic Achievements Amidst Public Discontent

The U.S. economy has exceeded expert predictions over the past year, defying recession forecasts. Unemployment rates have remained below 4% for the past two years, a significant achievement. However, public sentiment towards the economy remains pessimistic, with inflation being a primary concern.

President Biden has acknowledged these concerns and pledged to address them. His recent rhetoric has adopted a more populist tone, criticizing corporations for exploiting consumers. In an effort to combat high prices, Biden’s administration launched a new strike force with the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission.

Contrasting Policies on Border Control and Abortion Rights

Following the collapse of a bipartisan border deal, Biden has promised to address the American people directly, attributing the issue to Trump. He will also elucidate his efforts to protect abortion rights in the U.S., and the threat posed to those rights if Trump were to be re-elected.

Defending America’s International Role

Biden will have the opportunity to discuss the consequences of Republican reluctance to provide additional support to Ukraine in its war against Russia. He will also defend his stance on Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza, despite the potential backlash from progressive factions.

Democracy and Domestic Threats

Biden has issued warnings about a threat to U.S. security, but unlike Roosevelt’s 1941 speech, Biden’s threat comes from within. This address comes 80 years after a mob incited by Trump stormed the Capitol, in a violent attempt to disrupt the democratic process that put him in office.

Contributions by Elisabeth Buchwald and Tami Luhby, CNN.