President Biden's Strategic Taunts Aimed at Trump
Alex Brandon/AP

In a recent speech at Charleston’s Mother Emanuel AME Church, President Biden uttered three words that sparked amusement among the audience: “He’s a loser.” This jab at his likely Republican opponent, Donald Trump, was met with laughter and approval, particularly from one man in the back of the church.

President Biden has been consistently taunting Trump, often referring to him as the “former president” or comparing him to Herbert Hoover, the 31st president known for presiding over the Great Depression. Biden’s strategy appears to be working, with sources close to Trump revealing that these jibes are indeed getting under Trump’s skin and disrupting his messaging.

Despite the seriousness of the upcoming election and its implications for American democracy, Biden’s campaign has indicated that the taunting will continue. This approach is both personal and strategic. Biden seems to enjoy mocking Trump, whom he finds offensive, and his campaign hopes to provoke Trump into responses that will make him look foolish and provide more ammunition for their attacks.

According to Kate Bedingfield, former deputy campaign manager for Biden and his White House communications director, Biden’s taunts are not just for the sake of annoying Trump. They are designed to steer the campaign conversation in a direction that benefits Biden. The term “loser” is a key part of the Biden campaign’s attack strategy, reinforcing their message of the 2024 election as a battle for American democracy.

Trump’s campaign has dismissed Biden’s strategy, with Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung stating that Biden is resorting to nonsensical attacks because he cannot run on his record. However, Trump’s advisers have warned him against responding to Biden’s provocations, fearing that it will draw more attention to Biden’s argument that Trump is a threat to democracy.

Democrats have long debated how to respond to Trump’s style of politics. While some advocate for maintaining a high road, others, like California Gov. Gavin Newsom, have urged Biden to hit back more forcefully. The success of Biden’s strategy in provoking Trump has encouraged him and his aides to continue with this approach.

Supporters of Biden, as well as critics of Trump, have praised the Biden campaign’s strategy. George Conway, an anti-Trump lawyer, commended the Biden campaign’s “troll game,” while Rep. Robert Garcia, a California Democrat and avid Biden supporter, said that Trump is a “walking joke” and that the Biden campaign is simply reminding people of this fact.