Republican National Committee and Donald Trump Endorse Pete Hoekstra as Michigan GOP Leader
Patrick van Katwijk/ANP/AFP/Getty Images

In a significant development on Wednesday, the Republican National Committee (RNC) and former President Donald Trump united to resolve the ongoing leadership conflict within the Michigan Republican Party. The RNC’s internal panel voted unanimously to acknowledge Pete Hoekstra, a former ambassador and congressman, as the party’s chair.

“The committee on contests concluded that Karamo was effectively removed as chair and recommended to the RNC executive committee to confirm Hoekstra as chair,” the RNC stated. “The Executive Committee acted today to unanimously endorse Hoekstra as an RNC member and chair.”

Following this, Trump, who had previously expressed his support for Hoekstra, reiterated his endorsement.

“I eagerly anticipate collaborating with Ambassador Pete Hoekstra as the Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “He is a proven leader who served admirably as a Michigan Congressman and performed exceptionally well as Ambassador to the Netherlands. Pete will restore the greatness of the Michigan Republican Party, and he has my full and unwavering endorsement to be its Chairman — HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!”

These combined statements from Trump and the RNC represent the most potent indication yet that the two most influential forces in Republican committee politics have thrown their full weight behind Hoekstra, and against Kristina Karamo, the beleaguered Michigan chairwoman who was voted out by state Republicans in January. Karamo had contested the vote, claiming it was illegitimate, leading to a stalemate within the state party for much of January and during the RNC winter meeting in Las Vegas. Both Karamo and Hoekstra attended the event, but neither were recognized as full voting members.

“Both the RNC and our Party’s presumptive nominee Donald Trump, have now both come forward and recognized me as the duly elected Chair of the Michigan Republican Party,” Hoekstra stated. “It is time for the former Chair who was properly removed in accordance with the MIGOP bylaws to cease her misinformation campaign and join the fight to re-elect Donald Trump rather than dividing this Party.”

Karamo has yet to respond to requests for comment on the matter.