Republican Presidential Contenders Gear Up for Final Campaigning Weekend of the Year
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Trump’s Rally in New Hampshire: A Bid to Maintain Dominance

As the holiday season approaches and the first Republican nominating contest is just a month away, GOP presidential hopefuls are gearing up for what is likely the last full weekend of intense campaigning before the new year. Former President Donald Trump is set to hold a rally in New Hampshire on Saturday, aiming to retain his influence in a state that played a crucial role in his 2016 GOP nomination victory. Trump’s team is making a concerted effort to maintain his lead as the polls transition to actual voting, with scheduled appearances in Nevada and Iowa in the coming days.

Trump’s Advisers Express Concern Over Voter Complacency

Despite Trump’s strong lead, his advisers have expressed private concerns that his supporters may assume his victory is a foregone conclusion, leading to potential voter complacency. Trump addressed this issue directly during a recent rally in Iowa, urging his supporters to cast their votes despite his current lead.

Other GOP Contenders Race Against Time

Meanwhile, other GOP contenders are racing against time to catch up with the front-runner. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, among others, have packed schedules reflecting their intensified efforts to slow Trump’s path to the nomination.

Trump’s Legal Troubles Overshadow Rivals’ Campaigns

Trump’s ongoing legal issues, marked by court appearances and unprecedented indictments of a former president, have often overshadowed his rivals’ attempts to gain attention from Republican voters. However, both Haley and DeSantis managed to grab a share of the spotlight this week, each in their own unique way.

Trump’s Lead Expands in Iowa, Daunting Sign for DeSantis

The latest Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom poll showed Trump’s lead expanding in Iowa, with 51% of likely caucus-goers saying he would be their first choice. DeSantis and Haley trailed far behind at 19% and 16%, respectively. This is a daunting sign for DeSantis, who has staked his campaign on a strong showing in the state’s caucuses to build momentum going into New Hampshire and South Carolina.

DeSantis’ Campaign Faces Growing Pessimism

Despite DeSantis’ public confidence in his campaign’s organizational strength in Iowa, there is growing pessimism among his advisers. Those who once expressed confidence in a victory in Iowa are now hedging in their private discussions about the outlook there, according to a source close to the governor’s political team.

Haley’s Surge in New Hampshire: A Game Changer?

Meanwhile, Nikki Haley, Trump’s former ambassador to the United Nations, has been gaining attention from Republican donors and voters. New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu’s endorsement of Haley has been seen as a potential game-changer in the Republican presidential campaign. However, both DeSantis and Trump have downplayed the importance of this endorsement.

Final Push Before the Holidays

With the Christmas and New Year’s holidays approaching, campaign advisers acknowledge that time is running short to persuade undecided voters. Television ads, already saturating the airwaves, are expected to continue throughout much of the holiday season. As the countdown to the nation’s first primary begins, the GOP presidential contenders are making their final push to win over voters.