Republican Presidential Hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy Addresses Iowa Voters
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During a CNN town hall on Wednesday night, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy addressed a crowd of Iowa voters, accusing the federal government of systematically lying to the American people. The Ohio-based entrepreneur’s endorsement of a series of far-right conspiracy theories and his pushback against CNN moderator Abby Phillip highlighted his efforts to appeal to a Donald Trump-aligned, conspiracy-minded segment of the GOP electorate. This comes just weeks before the January 15 Iowa caucuses, which will kick off the party’s 2024 presidential nomination process.

Ramaswamy’s Critique of Federal Bureaucracy

At the town hall held at Grand View University in Des Moines, Ramaswamy turned a question about medication abortion into a critique of the federal bureaucracy. He also took conservative stances on immigration enforcement and criticized affirmative action efforts. Here are some key takeaways from the town hall:

Ramaswamy’s Embrace of Conspiracy Theories

Ramaswamy, echoing themes he emphasized at the fourth Republican presidential primary debate, endorsed a series of conspiracy theories. He selectively used information to suggest that federal law enforcement agents instigated the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the US Capitol, describing the attack as “entrapment.” FBI Director Christopher Wray had previously dismissed such suggestions as “ludicrous.”

Ramaswamy also made similar claims about the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, pointing to the acquittal of several of the 14 people charged in that plot, while ignoring the fact that nine were convicted. His claims led to a heated exchange with Phillip, contrasting starkly with his otherwise calm demeanor throughout the hour-long town hall.

Three years ago, Ramaswamy would have dismissed such conspiracy theories as “fringe” and “nonsense.” However, he now believes the federal government has systematically lied to the American people about issues such as the coronavirus pandemic and Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Ramaswamy’s Stance on the ‘Administrative State’

When asked about the Supreme Court’s decision to hear a case on the abortion pill mifepristone, Ramaswamy used the opportunity to argue that federal agencies often overstep their authority. He claimed that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) overreached when it approved the use of mifepristone, a part of a two-pill protocol, which he said was symptomatic of the administrative state’s current state.

“The people we elect to run the government aren’t even the ones who actually run the government right now,” he said. “It’s the bureaucrats in those three-letter agencies that are pulling the strings today.”

Ramaswamy further stated that as president, he would repeal “unconstitutional” federal regulations and lay off 75% of the federal workforce. He argued that the FDA’s approval process for mifepristone, which occurred over two decades ago, was flawed. If the Supreme Court rules against the government, it could severely limit access to the abortion pill, even in states where the procedure is legal.

When asked if he believes the Supreme Court should ban mifepristone, Ramaswamy said he believes the court should put the FDA “in its place.”

Ramaswamy’s Combative Approach

When asked how he would balance authenticity and a presidential demeanor, Ramaswamy referred to lessons he and his wife plan to teach their two children. “If someone bullies you or hits you, you’re going to hit them back 10 times harder,” he said.

He defended his at-times combative approach, suggesting it provides a glimpse into how a President Ramaswamy would deal with foreign adversaries. “If they’re going to come after me, I’m not going to be a president — whether it’s Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin or anybody else — who’s going to roll over,” the candidate said.

Ramaswamy on Income Inequality and His Wealth

During a discussion on income inequality and taxes, Ramaswamy was asked if he plans to pass his billions in wealth down to his two young sons. He previously supported a 59% inheritance tax but now backs a 12% flat tax.

Ramaswamy used the question to delve into his family’s backstory, from his parents’ arrival in the United States 40 years ago to his founding of multibillion-dollar companies. He hopes to pass down the generational shift, which he framed as the American dream, to his children.

“I’m not one of these guys who fantasizes [about] lavishing children with a bunch of wealth,” he said. “I want to give them a country that allows them to live the American dream through meritocracy.”

When asked how he would address the growing gap between the 1% and the middle class, Ramaswamy said he would focus on the Federal Reserve to prevent it from suppressing wage growth.

Ramaswamy’s Hindu Faith

When asked if his religious beliefs conflict with the Founding Fathers, Ramaswamy detailed core principles of his Hindu faith that he believes align with “Judeo-Christian values” shared by many Iowa voters. However, he acknowledged that he would not be “the best president to spread Christianity.”

Ramaswamy has sought to ease potential concerns of voters who have doubts about his religious background, sharing details of his faith at recent campaign events in Iowa, where evangelical Christians make up a significant Republican constituency.

Ramaswamy’s Strict Immigration Stance

Ramaswamy called for a strict and comprehensive crackdown on immigration, stating he would deploy the military to secure both the southern and northern US borders and use local law enforcement to deport millions of undocumented immigrants.

He reiterated that as president, he would end birthright citizenship, a controversial position that mirrors one taken by Trump and would likely face legal challenges. Ramaswamy also said he would halt aid to Central American countries until they enact stricter policies to limit the flow of immigrants to the United States and would complete the US-Mexico border wall.