Republican Presidential Hopefuls DeSantis and Haley Clash in CNN Debate
Will Lanzoni/CNN

In a heated exchange during the CNN debate in Des Moines, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, both Republican presidential contenders, traded barbs. DeSantis described Haley as a “mealy-mouthed politician,” while Haley claimed that DeSantis’ campaign was “exploding.”

The debate, held five days before the Iowa caucuses, saw both candidates largely sidestepping discussions about former President Donald Trump, who continues to lead in Iowa and national GOP primary polls. Instead, they focused on their own records and policy positions.

Key Takeaways from the Debate

Trump’s Absence

Despite their criticisms of Trump, neither DeSantis nor Haley took the opportunity to denounce him or argue that he is unfit for office. Instead, they both expressed their wish that Trump had participated in the debate.

Policy Priorities

Both candidates emphasized their commitment to conservative priorities such as ending illegal immigration, cutting taxes, and managing the federal budget. They also criticized Trump for not completing a wall at the US southern border.

Foreign Policy

The debate highlighted differences in the candidates’ foreign policy views, particularly regarding the US role in Ukraine’s conflict with Russia and support for Israel.

January 6 and Abortion

When asked about the events of January 6, 2021, both candidates avoided directly criticizing Trump. On the issue of abortion, both candidates reiterated their opposition but attempted to frame the issue in a more compassionate light.

Conspiracy Theories

The debate was notably free of conspiracy theories, with neither candidate mentioning Hunter Biden or the false claim that the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, was instigated by the FBI.

Looking Ahead

The debate underscored the candidates’ belief that the Republican field needs to be further narrowed before the focus shifts to Trump. As the race continues, it remains to be seen how these exchanges will impact the candidates’ standings in the polls.