Senate Primaries: Key Races and Power Dynamics
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As the Senate primaries kick off, the key races that will determine the power balance in the Senate are already taking shape, seven months ahead of the November election. With the second fundraising quarter underway, the general election is effectively in motion, prompting several changes to our top 10 list of Senate seats most likely to flip. The rankings are based on CNN’s reporting, fundraising figures, and historical data about states and candidate performance.

Out of these 10 seats, only Ohio and Texas have held primaries so far. The nominating contests scheduled between April and August will solidify the other races. The top three races – West Virginia, Montana, and Ohio – remain the most likely to flip as they are Democratic-held seats in states that twice backed Donald Trump. West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin’s decision not to run for reelection has essentially handed the seat to Republicans, who need just one or two seats to flip the Senate, depending on the outcome of the presidential race this fall.

The presidential race has also settled into a general election rhythm. While this year’s presidential nominating contests are not yet complete, both Trump and President Joe Biden have already secured enough delegates to become their respective parties’ presumptive nominees. The changes in the latest Senate rankings come in the next tier of races, which are presidential battleground states that Biden narrowly won over Trump four years ago and that are likely to see a close race again this year.

Wall Street Journal polling released Wednesday showed no clear leader in Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, while Trump held a slight lead in Arizona. Republicans have a decent shot at flipping these Senate seats, but their chances are not as strong as in the first three states on the list. Pennsylvania, which had long been at No. 4 because it was the rare GOP-targeted seat that didn’t have a competitive Republican primary, drops down to No. 6.

Democratic Sen. Bob Casey and Republican challenger Dave McCormick are unopposed in their primaries, but given how settled the other races have also become, they’re no longer the only candidates waging a general election fight this early. Moreover, there’s not enough data at this point that shows Casey in graver danger than other swing-state Democrats, although that could change. With Pennsylvania’s move, Nevada jumps up two spots.

Further down the list, Michigan moves above Wisconsin despite Biden having carried Michigan by a healthier margin in 2020. The president’s campaign received warnings in the form of protest votes from Democratic primary participants in both states this spring over his handling of Israel’s war against Hamas. It’s too early to say whether those voters will come out for Biden this fall, but it ups the imperative for Democratic Senate candidates to drive enthusiasm for their campaigns.

Recent Republican primaries have also offered warning signs for Trump about his ability to consolidate party support. While the Senate map favors the GOP, Democrats contend that their candidates – many of whom are battle-tested incumbents – are well positioned to overperform Biden, especially now that general election contrasts are emerging. Republicans have worked to recruit candidates who can at least partially fund their own races, but their business backgrounds and some out-of-state connections have given Democrats plenty of early ammunition.

Republicans get a win this month, however, with the biggest shake-up to the list. Maryland makes an appearance for the first time, sliding in just above Texas. That means nine of the top 10 seats likely to flip are currently held by Democrats (or, in the case of Arizona, an independent who caucuses with Democrats). No one expected Maryland to be in play three months ago, but former Gov. Larry Hogan’s February entrance gave the race a jolt. It would take a lot for such a blue state to elect a Republican senator – something Maryland hasn’t done since 1980. And former governors don’t have the best track record at winning federal races in home states that trend in the opposite partisan direction. So it’s very possible the race won’t stay on the rankings for long. But since this list is a snapshot in time, capturing what is likely to happen were the election held today, Maryland’s appearance reflects Hogan’s unique ability to make the race competitive.

With the addition of Maryland, Florida falls off the rankings. That may come as a surprise given this week’s state Supreme Court rulings that cleared the way for a six-week abortion ban to take effect next month and for an abortion rights amendment to appear on the ballot this fall. Democratic former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s campaign called the twin rulings a “game changer” in her challenge to GOP Sen. Rick Scott, while Biden’s campaign argued that Florida – which Trump won by 1 point in 2016 and then 3 points in 2020 – is in play. There’s little doubt that an abortion-related ballot measure will energize Democratic voters in ways that we’ve seen across the country since the toppling of Roe v. Wade some two years ago. But there’s no concrete evidence yet of that translating into victory for Mucarsel-Powell. Although Scott – a former two-term governor who’s never won election by more than about a point – has plenty of vulnerabilities, he still has the advantage of being a wealthy incumbent in a red-trending state. But again, this is reflective of the dynamics of the moment – Florida may well return to the list soon. We’ll check back in on the race the next time the rankings are updated.

1. West Virginia

There’s very little that could knock West Virginia off the top of this list before November. Even if Sen. Joe Manchin made a late entry into the race as an independent, it’d be difficult for him to win a third full term against a Trump-endorsed candidate in a state the former president twice carried by wide margins. CNN’s Manu Raju reported last month that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had a conversation with Manchin about a potential independent run, and while the West Virginia Democrat wouldn’t completely rule it out, he called it a “a long, long, long-shot scenario.” The big name now running on the Democratic side is former energy executive Don Blankenship, who was convicted of conspiring to violate mine safety standards after the 2010 explosion at the Upper Big Branch mine that killed 29 workers. Blankenship sought the seat in 2018, finishing third in the GOP primary, and then ran for president in 2020 under the Constitution Party banner. Manchin suggested he’d be looking to see whether Blankenship receives the Democratic nod before reconsidering. On the Republican side, Gov. Jim Justice, a former Democrat, is the front-runner for the nomination, given his support from Trump and his statewide profile. He faces US Rep. Alex Mooney, a member of the hard-line Freedom Caucus, in the May 14 primary.

2. Montana

As a Democrat in a state Trump twice carried by double digits, Jon Tester is the most vulnerable senator running for reelection. His matchup against Republican Tim Sheehy was all but set earlier this year after Trump endorsed the retired Navy SEAL and US Rep. Matt Rosendale ended his dayslong primary campaign against the national party’s preferred candidate. Sheehy has been airing ads that show him at the southern border, not uncommon among GOP candidates running in states hundreds of miles from Mexico. In a recent 60-second spot, Sheehy leans into his military service to draw a contrast with “career politicians,” while noting that his successful business career means he doesn’t need money from lobbyists. The ad very prominently shows him driving a white pickup truck with the name of his cattle ranch written on the side. Democrats are trying to poke holes in that image, highlighting questions about Sheehy’s ranching credentials and his ties to the state – two lines of attack that they successfully used against the Maryland-born Rosendale when he lost to Tester six years ago. Tester, a dirt farmer, is running ads touting his third-generation roots in the state and calling out “wealthy outsiders.” Painting a strong contrast between Sheehy and Tester is an important part of Democrats’ strategy for holding this seat, which once again largely depends on the senator’s personal brand defying the state’s partisan lean. Republicans are taking the opposite approach as they try to nationalize the race. For example, one National Republican Senatorial Committee ad that hits Tester over the border ends with a clip of him saying, “I’m endorsing Joe Biden for president.”

3. Ohio

With Bernie Moreno winning the GOP nod last month, Democrats got the matchup they were looking for after spending to boost him in the three-way Republican primary. But that doesn’t change this race’s position on the list. Sen. Sherrod Brown remains highly vulnerable as the only other Senate Democrat besides Tester running for reelection in a Trump state. Like his Montana colleague, the Ohio senator is a three-term incumbent with a well-known state brand – in Brown’s case, as a progressive populist – that has helped him win crossover voters in a Republican-leaning state. Ticket-splitting may be harder this year with Trump also on the ballot. But Democrats see the noncompetitiveness of the presidential contest in Ohio as an advantage that could allow the Senate race to dominate messaging. Brown’s ads lean into his legislative work, on burn pits, for example. But his spots also promote his past work with Trump – a recent ad features law enforcement officers touting Brown’s sponsorship of legislation targeting illegal drug smuggling that was signed by Trump. Moreno, a Cleveland businessman who tethered himself during the primary to Trump and his rhetoric about a stolen election, was singing a slightly different tune after becoming the GOP nominee. He refused to say if he believed the 2020 election was stolen when CNN caught up with him in the Capitol late last month. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee quickly went up with a digital ad after Moreno’s primary win that used the words of his Republican rivals to attack him. And Democrats are already hammering him over abortion after he opposed last year’s ballot measure approved by 57% of Ohio voters that enshrined abortion rights in the state constitution. Democrats argue that Moreno’s support for a national ban on most abortions at 15 weeks suggests he wants to overturn the will of Ohio voters. After an ugly primary, Moreno ended the pre-primary reporting period on February 28 with significantly less cash than Brown – $2.6 million to the senator’s $13.5 million. Brown’s campaign announced raising more than $12 million in the first quarter of 2024. But Moreno, who poured millions of dollars of his own money into his primary campaign, likely has more where that came from.

4. Nevada

Nevada climbs up the rankings, a reflection that despite voting for Biden by a bigger margin than other states on this list, Nevada is not moving in Democrats’ favor demographically. The state’s relatively low percentage of college-educated voters, for example, could make the Senate seat harder to hold than past presidential performance would suggest. Democratic Sen. Jacky Rosen has the advantage of incumbency, but the first-term senator has to differentiate herself from the top of the ticket. “I won’t walk the party line, and I never have,” she says in her first ad, which is running in English and Spanish and touts her work on burn pit legislation and border security. Rosen’s campaign announced a $14 million ad reservation this week, billing it as the largest reservation in state history for a Senate race. Democrats recognize the challenge – Nevada was one of two states where the Democratic super PAC Senate Majority PAC first laid down ad reservations. Biden carried the state by 2 points in 2020, but the state’s senior senator, Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto, won reelection by less than a point two years later. Rosen is likely to face Republican Sam Brown, although the Army veteran still faces a crowded June primary. (Jeff Gunter, a former US ambassador to Iceland under Trump, announced that his campaign will be launching a $3.3 million advertising campaign as he bids to stop Brown.) Brown is making his second Senate bid in two years, but unlike Kari Lake in Arizona, he doesn’t have experience running a statewide campaign since his previous Senate attempt ended in the primary. His campaign told Fox News Digital it had raised $2.2 million in the first quarter of the year. In a state where the issue of abortion rights resonates, Brown has attempted to moderate his message. In an NBC News interview in February, during which he and his wife, Amy, revealed her story of having an abortion when she was 24 and single, Brown said that he’d “close the door” on backing a national ban and that it should be a state issue. He also said he supports the Nevada law that allows abortions up to 24 weeks. But as in other states, Democrats will attempt to nationalize the issue, including pointing to Brown’s own past statements, as they seek to tie him to the GOP’s most restrictive positions.

5. Arizona