Senator Katie Britt's GOP Rebuttal to President Biden's State of the Union Address

Following President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, Senator Katie Britt, a Republican from Alabama, delivered the GOP rebuttal. The text of her speech, prepared for delivery and released by House Speaker Mike Johnson’s office, is presented below:

Good evening, America. I am Senator Katie Britt, representing the great state of Alabama. Beyond my political role, I am a proud wife and mother of two school-aged children, Bennett and Ridgeway. Their future, and the future of children across our nation, is my primary concern.

Like many American families, my husband, Wesley, and I watched President Biden’s State of the Union Address from our living room. We witnessed a career politician, who has been in office longer than I have been alive, seemingly out of touch with the realities faced by everyday families.

Under his Administration, families are worse off, communities are less safe, and our country is less secure. I wish he understood the real struggles families face around kitchen tables across America. This is where we share our joys and sorrows, make tough decisions, and pray for guidance. It’s also where we worry about the future of our nation.

The American Dream that allowed me, a small-town girl from Enterprise, Alabama, to become a U.S. Senator at 40, seems to be slipping away. The next generation appears to have fewer opportunities and less freedom. I worry that my children may not get a shot at their American Dreams.

However, the American Dream has turned into a nightmare for many families under the current administration. The state of our Union is this: Our families are hurting. Our country can do better. The crisis at our southern border is a clear example of this.

President Biden inherited the most secure border of all time. But shortly after taking office, he suspended all deportations, halted construction of the border wall, and announced a plan to give amnesty to millions. This border crisis is a direct result of his actions.

President Biden’s failures extend to the economy as well. His reckless spending has led to the worst inflation in 40 years and the highest credit card debt in history. Hardworking families are struggling to make ends meet today and plan for tomorrow.

Our communities are not safer either. The left’s policies of coddling criminals and defunding the police have made life more dangerous. On the world stage, President Biden’s weakness has made us a punchline.

Despite these challenges, we the People are still in the driver’s seat. We get to decide whether our future will grow brighter, or whether we settle for an America in decline. The Republican Party is fighting for a brighter future.

So, I appeal directly to the parents out there, particularly my fellow moms. I know you’re frustrated and disgusted by what you see happening in Washington. But I assure you, the task in front of us, though not easy, is worth it. For the sake of your kids and grandkids, get into the arena.

Our history has been written by men and women who faced adversity and emerged stronger. Now it’s our turn to protect the American Dream. Together, we can reawaken the heroic spirit of a great nation. Because Americans don’t just have a rendezvous with destiny – we take destiny’s hand, and we lead it.

Despite the current State of our Union, I believe our best days are still ahead. May God bless you, and may God continue to bless these United States of America.