Shanen Ebersole: A Conservative Iowan's Perspective on Trump and the Future of the Republican Party

Shanen Ebersole, a cattle farmer from southwest Iowa, finds solace in the rolling hills of her farm, where she spends time with her grazing cows. For 25 years, Ebersole has dedicated her life to this passion, and like many rural Iowans, she identifies as a conservative and a two-time Donald Trump voter. However, Ebersole’s support for Trump is not without reservations.

Trump’s Impact on Small Businesses and Agriculture

Ebersole appreciates Trump’s efforts to support small businesses and agriculture, but she wishes he had done so in a less disruptive manner. The divisiveness and lack of respect displayed by Trump are reasons why Ebersole hopes the Republican Party will move on. She believes that Iowa can initiate this process during its first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses next month.

Ebersole’s Libertarian Conservatism

Ebersole’s brand of conservatism leans towards libertarianism. She believes in the freedom of individuals to live their lives without fear or interference. She is concerned about the division in the country and the fear instilled in her liberal friends by some of Trump’s policies and inflammatory statements. Ebersole also values her right to own guns and believes she can do so safely without affecting others.

Republican Women: The Potential Game Changers in Iowa

Despite Trump’s deep-rooted support in rural Iowa, there is a growing sentiment among Republican women like Ebersole who are tired of Trump’s antics and are looking for change. Ebersole is leaning towards Nikki Haley for the January 15 caucus vote, citing Haley’s composure, life experience, and connection to everyday Americans as reasons for her support.

Priscilla Forsyth: From Trump Supporter to Nikki Haley Advocate

Priscilla Forsyth, an early Trump supporter in 2016, has also grown weary of Trump’s behavior. Initially impressed by GOP insurgent Vivek Ramaswamy, Forsyth is now advocating for Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and US ambassador to the United Nations. Forsyth believes Haley demonstrated strength and compassion during the Hamas terror attack on Israel, qualities she values in a leader.

Republican Women Rallying for Haley

Other Republican women, like Jaclyn Taylor and Betsy Sarcone, are also rallying behind Haley. Taylor, a single mom and entrepreneur, believes Haley is the best alternative to Trump. Sarcone, who initially leaned towards Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, now lists Haley as her likely choice. However, she is open to changing her mind if DeSantis gains significant support.

Chris Mudd: A Loyal Trump Supporter

Chris Mudd, a solar energy startup owner, remains a staunch Trump supporter. Mudd believes that Trump’s legal woes are unfair and that the former president has been unfairly targeted. He dismisses the idea that Republicans need to move on from Trump to win and believes that those trailing Trump in the polls should support him instead.


As the first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses in Iowa approach, the state’s voters are grappling with their political allegiances. While some, like Ebersole and Forsyth, are seeking change within the Republican Party, others, like Mudd, remain loyal to Trump. The outcome of the caucuses will provide a glimpse into the future direction of the Republican Party.