South Carolina Primaries: Biden's First Official Victory Expected in 2024 Campaign
Kenny Holston/The New York Times/Redux

In a historic shift in the Democratic nominating calendar, South Carolina is poised to deliver President Joe Biden his first official primary victory of the 2024 campaign this Saturday. The state, which was instrumental in propelling Biden to the Democratic nomination four years ago, is expected to reaffirm its support for the incumbent president.

Also on the ballot are Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips and author Marianne Williamson. However, Biden remains the clear frontrunner, as he embarks on his journey to secure the necessary delegates for his party’s nomination.

South Carolina Takes the Lead

South Carolina’s primary this Saturday will determine the allocation of 55 delegates. This year marks the first time the state has led the official Democratic nominating calendar, a change largely influenced by Biden. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has elevated South Carolina over traditional early-voting states Iowa and New Hampshire, reflecting a more diverse Democratic base.

Calendar Changes and Controversies

For decades, Iowa and New Hampshire were the first to cast votes in Democratic presidential primary battles. However, the DNC decided to push these states back in the calendar, facing criticism that their predominantly White electorates did not represent the diverse Democratic base nationally.

Iowa Democratic officials accepted the changes, opting for a mail-in caucus with ballots sent to voters starting January 12 and due to be postmarked back by March 5 — Super Tuesday, when more than a dozen other states are scheduled to hold their primaries.

New Hampshire officials, citing a state law requiring its primary to be the nation’s first, held a rogue Democratic contest alongside the Republican primary on January 23. The DNC responded by stripping New Hampshire of its delegates to the 2024 convention, as the state did not comply with the DNC’s calendar. Despite this, Biden loyalists launched a successful write-in campaign that saw him take 64% of the vote.

Biden’s Connection with South Carolina

To solidify South Carolina’s status as the first primary of the 2024 Democratic race, Biden visited the state twice last month. Vice President Kamala Harris also headlined a get-out-the-vote event at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg on Friday.

Despite facing little serious competition for the Democratic nomination, Saturday’s primary is significant for Biden as it marks a return to the place that catapulted him to the Democratic nomination in 2020. After a slow start in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, Biden’s campaign gained momentum in South Carolina, thanks to the state’s large Black population and a late endorsement from influential Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn.

Looking Ahead

While South Carolina is typically dominated by Republicans in general elections, the Biden campaign and its allies are making concerted efforts to shore up support with Black voters, a crucial bloc for the president’s reelection prospects, particularly in battleground states such as Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The Democratic primary precedes the Republican primary by three weeks, which will take place on February 24. This could be former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s last opportunity to hinder former President Donald Trump’s march to a third consecutive Republican presidential nomination. However, a recent poll showed her trailing Trump by 26 points in her home-state primary.

Contributions to this report were made by CNN’s Betsy Klein, Terence Burlij, and Ethan Cohen.