Trump's Claims on Courthouse Crowd Size and Security Measures Debunked
David Dee Delgado/Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump, known for his tendency to inflate crowd sizes at his events, is now making unfounded claims about the number of supporters present at his first criminal trial. He is also spreading misinformation about the security measures at the Manhattan courthouse, blaming them without evidence for keeping his alleged supporters at bay.

Following a New York Times report that Trump was displeased with the sparse crowd at the courthouse during the opening statements, Trump took to social media to refute the story, disparage a Times reporter, and make a baseless claim: “Thousands of people were turned away from the Courthouse in Lower Manhattan by steel stanchions and police, literally blocks from the tiny side door from where I enter and leave. It is an armed camp to keep people away.”

Trump also claimed on social media that “Lower Manhattan surrounding the Courthouse, where I am heading now, is completely CLOSED DOWN.” He further told reporters inside the courthouse: “For blocks you can’t get near this courthouse.”

Facts First: Trump’s Claims Debunked

Trump’s assertions are entirely unfounded. The police have not turned away “thousands of people” from the courthouse during his trial; only a small number of Trump supporters have been seen demonstrating near the building. While there are indeed security measures in place, including some street closures enforced by police officers and barricades, it is not accurate to say that “for blocks you can’t get near this courthouse.”

In reality, the designated protest zone for the trial is directly opposite the courthouse, and people are allowed to drive up to the front of the courthouse and enter the building, which remains open to the public. If individuals arrive early enough, they can even gain access to the trial courtroom itself or the overflow room that broadcasts near-live video of the proceedings.

CNN journalists reporting from the courthouse area have observed a handful of visibly pro-Trump demonstrators in the designated protest zone at Collect Pond Park across from the building, but nowhere near “thousands.” There were fewer than 100 visible Trump supporters gathered there at the start of the trial in mid-April, and often three or fewer on subsequent days.

Trump may be implying that thousands would have shown up if not for stringent security measures. However, this is pure conjecture. Trump supporters, like everyone else, are free to enter not only the protest zone but also the courthouse itself, provided they adhere to decorum rules.

Security Measures Not as Restrictive as Trump Claims

While public access to some streets and sidewalks near the courthouse is restricted during court hours, and there are additional blockages during the brief periods of heightened security when Trump’s motorcade arrives and departs, there is no complete closure of the area. In fact, cars belonging to the public can regularly be seen driving right in front of the courthouse during court hours, as seen in CNN’s live television coverage.

Conservative attorney and vocal Trump critic, George Conway, wrote on social media: “I took an Uber right to the front entrance of the courthouse yesterday morning. It’s all very peaceful and orderly, the court officers and police officers are nice, and if you walked your dog down the street the two of you would outnumber the Trump supporters there.”

Contributors to this article include CNN’s Kara Scannell, Lauren del Valle, Jeremy Herb, Nicki Brown, Sabrina Souza, and Joel Williams.