Trump's Embrace of January 6 and Its Impact on the 2024 Campaign

Donald Trump’s campaign rallies commence with a recording of January 6 prisoners singing the national anthem, and campaign staff distributing “Too Big to Rig” signs to supporters. The former president takes the stage, referring to the rioters as “people who love our country” and “hostages unfairly imprisoned for long periods of time.” Trump’s campaign strategy is heavily centered around the events of January 6, 2021.

Trump continues to fuel denialism and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, distorting the reality of the January 6 events and promising vindication to his voter base. Despite the violence that occurred, Trump promises pardons for the perpetrators. Both Trump and President Joe Biden agree that January 6 is a key issue for the 2024 campaign, regardless of whether Trump’s trials on related indictments are postponed beyond Election Day.

Biden’s campaign aides have expressed surprise at the extent to which January 6 continues to resonate. They describe Trump’s persistent focus on January 6 and his deepening involvement in conspiracy theories as “stunning”. Biden’s team is closely monitoring Trump’s rallies and his posts on Truth Social, where he has stated his intentions to close the border, resume drilling, and free the January 6 prisoners if he is re-elected.

Despite the shock expressed by some Biden aides, the resonance of January 6 among focus groups has led Democratic operatives to describe the event as an “indelible image” or “scar tissue”. The Trump campaign did not respond to CNN’s questions about his embrace of January 6.

Meanwhile, potential running mates for Trump are being evaluated based on their stance on the January 6 events. Several prominent Republicans, including New York Rep. Elise Stefanik and Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, have stated that they would not have certified the 2020 election results. Others, like South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and Trump’s housing secretary Ben Carson, have refused to comment on whether they believe Pence was right in his actions on January 6.

Biden’s campaign strategy involves using footage from January 6 in their advertising campaigns and at the convention. They are also anticipating more attention from Trump’s trials, if they occur. Trump continues to discuss January 6 at his rallies, with his aides making no attempt to dissuade him.

Despite the ongoing focus on January 6, Biden’s aides believe that they can appeal to voters by demonstrating how the president can make a difference in the lives of people who aren’t in jail for invading the Capitol. They believe this argument will attract swing voters, repel anti-Trump Republicans, and energize the Democratic base.

Democrats in key battleground states are also relying on voters’ revulsion towards Trump’s handling of January 6. They hope that the combination of Republican candidates’ denialism of the 2020 election results and their refusal to accept the results of their own races will make them less appealing to voters.

As the 2024 campaign continues, the impact of January 6 and Trump’s response to it remains a significant factor for both parties.