Trump and Haley Clash Over Social Security Reform in GOP Primary
Will Lanzoni/CNN

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley’s stance on Social Security reform has drawn both praise and criticism within the GOP. However, former President Donald Trump has taken a more aggressive approach, using the issue to attack Haley in the latest GOP primary.

Trump’s campaign launched a new ad on Thursday, criticizing Haley’s plans to reform government retirement benefits. Haley’s team responded by highlighting Trump’s inconsistent record on Social Security, undermining his self-proclaimed status as a champion of the program.

The debate over Social Security isn’t confined to Trump and Haley. The issue was a flashpoint during Wednesday night’s CNN debate between Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in Iowa, a state where Trump has consistently led in the polls.

For decades, conservative budget hawks have sought to adjust Social Security to ensure its solvency. However, Trump’s 2016 promise to protect Social Security and Medicare forced a shift in the GOP’s traditional stance on the program.

Today, over 70 million Americans rely on Social Security benefits, with many depending on it for basic living expenses. Despite this, the main fund for Social Security is projected to be depleted by 2033, according to a Social Security Administration report.

Haley has been commended by some Republican donors for her willingness to address the politically sensitive issue of Social Security reform. She has proposed raising the retirement age for future generations, a move that has been criticized by Trump in his campaign ads.

Trump’s ads have been met with strong rebuttals from Haley’s team, who have labeled them as “lies” and criticized his “do-nothing plan” for Social Security. Haley’s campaign also highlighted that Trump has previously advocated for raising the retirement age to ensure the program’s solvency.

Despite his attacks on Haley, Trump has consistently portrayed himself as a protector of Social Security, even though his administration regularly proposed cuts to the program during his presidency.

The recent attacks on Haley echo similar tactics used by Trump against DeSantis, who was accused of cutting Social Security during his tenure in the US House. DeSantis has since distanced himself from these positions, promising to change the program for future generations in a “bipartisan way”.

The debate over Social Security reform continues to be a contentious issue within the GOP, with candidates grappling with the challenge of ensuring the program’s solvency while appealing to senior voters.