Donald Trump's Helicopter Near-Crash: Nate Holden Reveals the Truth Behind the Willie Brown Confusion

Well, folks, it looks like we’ve got ourselves a classic case of mistaken identity, Trump-style. Remember that hair-raising helicopter tale Donald Trump’s been spinning? Turns out, he might need to double-check his passenger manifest.

The Real Story: Nate Holden vs. Willie Brown

Let’s cut to the chase. Donald Trump’s been telling everyone and their mother about a near-death helicopter experience he shared with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. But here’s the kicker: it wasn’t Willie Brown at all. It was Nate Holden, a former Los Angeles city councilman and state senator.

Now, you might be wondering, “How on earth do you mix up two completely different politicians?” Well, Holden had a pretty straightforward take on it:

“Willie is the short Black guy living in San Francisco. I’m a tall Black guy living in Los Angeles. I guess we all look alike,” Holden quipped, with a hearty laugh.

The Infamous Helicopter Ride: A Trip Down Memory Lane

So, what really went down on that fateful day? Here’s the scoop:

  • The incident likely occurred in 1990
  • Holden met Trump at Trump Tower, heading to Atlantic City
  • They were en route to tour Trump’s brand-new Taj Mahal casino
  • Also on board: Trump’s late brother Robert and Barbara Res, a former Trump exec

Things got dicey when the chopper started shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. The co-pilot was pumping some gizmo for dear life, and before they knew it, they were making an emergency landing in New Jersey.

Trump’s Reaction: Not Quite “The Art of the Deal”

Now, you might think the Donald kept his cool throughout this ordeal. But according to Holden and Res, Trump was “white as snow” and “scared shitless.” Not exactly the image of bravado he likes to project, is it?

The Willie Brown Connection: A Case of Trumped-up Memories?

Here’s where things get interesting. Trump’s been insisting it was Willie Brown on that helicopter. He even wrote about it in his 2023 book, “Letters to Trump.” But both Holden and Brown have confirmed: no Willie Brown on that chopper.

So, what gives? Is this a simple mix-up or something more? As Holden put it, “He either mixed it up, or he made it up.”

The Takeaway: Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

This whole saga begs the question: how many other Trump tales might need a fact-check? It’s a reminder that in politics, as in life, things aren’t always what they seem.

One thing’s for sure: this helicopter incident was one wild ride, from start to finish. And thanks to Nate Holden speaking up, we’ve finally got the real story. Or do we? In the world of Trump, who knows what twist might come next?