Trump's Iowa Strategy: Mobilizing First-Time Caucusgoers
Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

Trump’s Campaign Focuses on New Caucus Participants

Former President Donald Trump is making frequent visits to Iowa, with his campaign’s primary objective being to mobilize supporters who have never participated in the state’s caucuses. Despite leading the polls by a significant margin, Trump is keen on avoiding complacency among his supporters. He has emphasized the importance of their votes in securing a decisive victory in the upcoming Iowa caucuses, which will kick off the Republican nominating contest.

Early Victory: The Trump Campaign’s Ambition

The Trump campaign aims to secure an early landslide victory in Iowa, hoping to effectively clinch the nomination by mid-March. To achieve this, the campaign has been building a more organized and targeted ground operation in Iowa than in Trump’s 2016 presidential bid, when he finished second to Texas Senator Ted Cruz. This time, the campaign is focused on recruiting and training approximately 2,000 volunteer caucus captains across the state, each tasked with securing commitments from 10 first-time caucusgoers.

The Importance of Organization in the Iowa Caucuses

The Iowa caucuses, unlike primary elections in other states, are a series of neighborhood meetings across more than 1,600 precincts. Therefore, having a strong organization is crucial for getting supporters to the caucus locations. The Trump campaign has been using an extensive database of voter information to contact hundreds of thousands of Iowans, many of whom supported Trump in general elections but did not participate in the caucuses.

Trump’s Ground Game: A Combination of Personal Connections and Organizational Muscle

Trump has been making personal phone calls to some supporters and has downsized his rallies to build more personal connections. The campaign has also been sending care packages to volunteer caucus captains, which include a white hat with gold stitching, a personalized letter from Trump, and booklets outlining some of his accomplishments. The campaign’s organizational muscle and commitment have been praised, even by those who supported other candidates in the past.

Trump’s Message to Supporters: Ignore the Polls

Despite his lead in the polls, Trump has been urging his supporters to disregard them. He has been holding a series of “commit to caucus” events across Iowa since September, aimed at identifying and turning out caucusgoers. The campaign has also been educating supporters about the caucus process and has started showing a two-minute video at every Iowa campaign event teaching people how to caucus.

Trump’s Rivals and the Republican Nomination

Trump is also keen on slowing any momentum his main rivals for the Republican nomination may have gained. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who recently received an endorsement from Iowa’s popular governor, Kim Reynolds, has been a particular focus. Despite this, members of Trump’s team do not believe Reynolds’ endorsement will significantly impact the race. Trump’s campaign has been airing an ad in Iowa aimed at undermining Reynolds’ support for DeSantis.

Trump’s Immigration Rhetoric and Legal Challenges

Trump has been promoting hard-line immigration policies he plans to implement if elected to a second term. However, his anti-immigrant rhetoric has been criticized for its ties to White supremacist language. Additionally, Trump is facing 91 criminal charges across four separate cases and has been balancing campaigning with his legal obligations. Despite these challenges, Trump’s top supporters in Iowa continue to rally behind him, urging Republicans to show up on caucus night ready to vote.