Trump Throws Weight Behind Mike Rogers in Michigan Senate Race
Meg Kinnard/AP/File

In a significant political development, former President Donald Trump has publicly endorsed ex-Rep. Mike Rogers for the upcoming Senate race in Michigan. The endorsement, announced on Monday, aligns with the national Republicans’ strategy to seize the open seat in the forthcoming fall elections.

“Mike has served his Country during a career loaded up with accolades and wins, from the Army to Congress, and now, hopefully, the U.S. Senate,” Trump declared on Truth Social. “Mike Rogers will be a Great and Powerful Senator for Michigan, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement. HE KNOWS HOW TO WIN!”

The former House Intelligence chairman, who launched his campaign last year under the aegis of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, is set to face a packed primary field ahead of the August primary. The victor is expected to challenge Rep. Elissa Slotkin, the Democrats’ preferred candidate to succeed retiring Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow in this crucial battleground.

Rogers, a former FBI special agent and a 14-year veteran of the House who retired in 2015, has occasionally voiced criticism of Trump. However, he publicly endorsed Trump’s potential 2024 bid in a Daily Caller op-ed earlier this year. Responding to Trump’s endorsement, Rogers expressed his gratitude in a post on X: “Thank you, Mr. President! Excited to get to work with you to Get America and Michigan Back on Track!”

Trump’s endorsement could potentially bolster Rogers’ standing among the GOP base, particularly in the face of several other candidates who have previously opposed the former president. Among these contenders are former Reps. Peter Meijer and Justin Amash, both of whom have publicly criticized Trump in the past. Businessman Sandy Pensler, who lost the GOP nomination for the seat in 2018, is also in the running.

Michigan, a state President Joe Biden won by approximately 3 points in 2020, is expected to be fiercely contested at both the presidential and Senate levels this year. According to Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales, the Senate race is currently leaning Democratic.

Contributions to this report were made by CNN’s Kate Sullivan and Simone Pathe.