Trump Triumphs in North Dakota's Republican Presidential Caucuses
Win McNamee/Getty Images

In a significant development, CNN forecasts that former President Donald Trump is set to clinch victory in North Dakota’s Republican presidential caucuses. This win is expected to provide a crucial momentum to Trump’s campaign as it prepares to extend its reach to 15 states on the upcoming Super Tuesday.

This marks Trump’s third consecutive primary win in the state, further solidifying his political stronghold. In 2020, he ran unopposed after successfully defeating Texas Senator Ted Cruz and former Ohio Governor John Kasich in the previous election cycle.

Trump, who has consistently been a favorite in the state, secured the endorsement of North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. Burgum, a one-time 2024 campaign rival, withdrew from the race in December, subsequently throwing his support behind Trump on the eve of the Iowa caucuses.

With this victory, Trump is poised to secure all 29 of the state party’s delegates, inching closer to the 1,215 needed to become the presumptive GOP nominee. North Dakota has a long-standing tradition of voting for the Republican candidate, having done so in 14 consecutive presidential elections.

The last Democrat to secure a win in the state was Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964, who trounced Barry Goldwater with over 60% of the national vote. In the 2020 election, Trump outperformed Biden in North Dakota by a substantial margin of more than 30 points.