State of the Union: A Mixed Bag of Reactions
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address received a mixed response from voters across the political spectrum. Angela Lang, a community activist from Milwaukee, described the speech as “strong and firm,” but emphasized the need for the President to maintain this momentum until the November election. In contrast, Priscilla Forsyth, an Iowa attorney and Nikki Haley supporter, criticized the President’s delivery as “robotic” and “yelling,” leading her to reaffirm her support for Donald Trump.

These varied reactions were part of a CNN project tracking the 2024 campaign through the perspectives of Americans living in battleground states or belonging to key voting blocs. The responses, unsurprisingly, largely reflected partisan loyalties. Democrats praised Biden’s policies and his critiques of Donald Trump, while Republicans criticized the speech as overly partisan and reinforced their preference for a second Trump term.

State-by-State Reactions


Angela Lang, the executive director of Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC), expressed some optimism about Biden’s speech. She saw it as an attempt to address the concerns of African Americans in Milwaukee, who had previously felt overlooked. However, she was disappointed by the lack of focus on police accountability and officer-involved shootings. She did, however, appreciate the President’s proposal for a temporary $400 a month tax credit to help homebuyers.


Zoila Sanchez, a Reagan Republican and Realtor, found aspects of Biden’s speech appealing, including his commitment to democracy and his proposed credits for homebuyers. Antonio Munoz, a restaurant and catering business owner, appreciated the President’s attempts to bridge the divide on border security and immigration.


Responses from Pennsylvania were mixed. Darrell Ann Murphy, a lifelong Democrat, praised Biden’s speech as “strong” and “determined.” However, Mickey Brown, an 80-year-old retiree, expressed doubts about Biden’s ability to serve a second term due to health concerns.

New Hampshire

Retired Navy officer Pete Burdett criticized Biden’s proposed $400 per month payout for mortgages, suggesting tax cuts as a better solution. Debbie Katsanos, an accountant and Trump supporter, described the speech as “anger-filled.”


Priscilla Forsyth criticized Biden’s call for a bipartisan border security plan, accusing him of refusing to enforce the law. Shannen Ebersole, a cattle farmer, questioned Biden’s claims about decreasing inflation.

South Carolina

Billy Pierce, a Navy veteran and Trump supporter, described the speech as “angry, anti-Republican badgering.”


Jade Gray, a University of Michigan student, appreciated Biden’s humor in addressing the age issue. However, she stressed the need for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.