Climate activists hold a demonstration to urge President Biden to reject the Willow Project at the US Department of Interior on November 17, 2022, in Washington, DC.
Climate activists hold a demonstration to urge President Biden to reject the Willow Project at the US Department of Interior on November 17, 2022, in Washington, DC. Credit: Jemal Countess/Getty Images

Sunrise Movement’s Call for Climate Emergency Declaration

The Sunrise Movement, a youth-led climate advocacy group, is pressing President Joe Biden to declare a climate emergency as the 2024 presidential election nears. This declaration will enable executive actions to diminish fossil fuel reliance and bolster the United States’ clean energy initiatives.

Strategic Demands for Environmental Reform

With 7,000 members and 120 organizing hubs across the nation, the group is calling for an end to fossil fuel drilling on federal lands and waters. They also urge the expanded use of the Defense Production Act for renewable energy and demand the Department of Justice to prosecute fossil fuel companies for climate misinformation.

Sunrise’s Hesitation to Endorse Biden

Unlike other climate groups, Sunrise Movement is holding off on endorsing Biden, asking him to commit to their climate goals. Aru Shiney-Ajay, the group’s executive director, highlights the contradiction of Biden courting climate-conscious youth while maintaining ties with fossil fuel industries.

Biden’s Climate Achievements and Shortcomings

Despite significant climate and clean energy achievements, such as the Inflation Reduction Act, Sunrise criticizes Biden for not taking a firmer stance against fossil fuels. They emphasize the need for rapid emissions reduction to prevent crossing critical global temperature thresholds.

Biden’s Fossil Fuel Policy: A Complex Narrative

Biden initially pledged to end fossil fuel drilling on public lands but faced legal challenges and policy reversals. His administration resumed drilling and approved new oil and gas projects, leading to record U.S. oil exports under his tenure.

The Political Balancing Act on Climate Issues

The Biden administration faces the challenge of attracting young voters concerned about climate change while countering Republican criticisms over energy policies. White House National Climate Adviser Ali Zaidi acknowledges Biden’s significant climate actions and indicates a readiness for more ambitious steps.

Expanded Climate Actions Under Biden’s Leadership

Biden has taken various steps, like employing the Defense Production Act for energy-efficient manufacturing and directing significant investments into renewable energy. These actions aim to address the environmental and economic aspects of climate change.

Public Perception and Poll Results on Biden’s Climate Policies

A July Washington Post-University of Maryland poll revealed that 57% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of climate policy, including 59% of voters aged 18-29. While 74% of Democrats approved of his climate policy actions, only 40% of independents and 8% of Republicans concurred. Surprisingly, 71% of Americans said they knew little about the Inflation Reduction Act, Biden’s significant climate policy achievement.

Campaign Contrast and Future Climate Vision

Biden’s campaign contrasts his climate agenda with Republican approaches, emphasizing significant legislative achievements in tackling climate change. Sunrise Movement leaders call for a more radical vision, urging Biden to move beyond moderate stances on fossil fuels.

Sunrise Movement’s Impact and Election Plans

Since 2017, the Sunrise Movement has influenced climate policy discussions. The group contributed to shaping Biden’s 2020 climate policies and advocates for the American Climate Corps. Looking towards 2024, Sunrise focuses on mobilizing young voters in swing states around the climate crisis.