Deepfakes: A New Threat to Election Integrity
Noam Galai/Getty Images

In the days leading up to a critical election in Slovakia, an incriminating audio recording circulated online, allegedly featuring a top candidate boasting about election rigging. The same voice was also heard discussing a beer price hike. The candidate, a pro-NATO figure aligned with Western interests, was defeated in the September polls by a pro-Moscow opponent. The leaked audio’s impact on the voting outcome remains unclear, but two facts have emerged: the recordings were AI-generated deepfakes, and US officials view this incident as a chilling precursor to potential interference in the 2024 US presidential election.

Deepfakes and Election Security

“As a nation, we are woefully underprepared,” warns V.S. Subrahmanian, a Northwestern University professor specializing in AI and security. US national security officials are preparing for the potential use of deepfakes to sow confusion among voters, a threat not previously encountered. However, limited resources and inconsistent policies have led some experts to argue that the US is ill-equipped to handle this challenge.

Deepfakes in Action

The US has already witnessed AI-generated disinformation. A fake version of President Joe Biden’s voice was used in robocalls to discourage Democrats from participating in the New Hampshire primary. AI images falsely depicting former President Donald Trump with teenage girls on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane circulated on social media. A deepfake posted on Twitter portrayed a leading Democratic candidate for Chicago’s mayor as indifferent toward police shootings. These instances highlight the potential of generative AI to create realistic-looking content that can rapidly spread online and shape public opinion.

Regulating Deepfakes

Efforts to regulate deepfakes and guard against their effects vary greatly among US states. Some states, including California, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, and Washington, have passed laws that regulate deepfakes in elections. More than two dozen other states have such legislation pending. However, less than half of the states that responded to a CNN inquiry referenced specific trainings, policies, or programs crafted to respond to election-related deepfakes.

Deepfakes and the 2024 Election

With the 2024 US presidential election on the horizon, the threat of deepfakes looms large. “My warning is brace yourself for an upcoming barrage of deepfakes, of audio and video content that will be targeting presidential candidates that will try to polarize and disrupt the social cohesion in the US,” warns Daniel Milo, former head of a center within Slovakia’s Ministry of Interior set up to counter disinformation.


As deepfakes become increasingly sophisticated and accessible, they pose a significant threat to the integrity of democratic processes worldwide. The Slovakia incident serves as a stark warning of the potential impact of AI-generated disinformation on election outcomes. As nations prepare for upcoming elections, the challenge of combating deepfakes and safeguarding the democratic process becomes ever more urgent.