DeSantis' Super PAC Shifts Focus from TV Ads to Ground Game
Vincent Alban/Reuters/File

In a significant strategic shift, Never Back Down, the leading super PAC supporting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign, has cancelled its television advertisement reservations in Iowa and New Hampshire. The group is now redirecting its efforts towards grassroots campaigning in the early nominating states, according to data from AdImpact.

On Friday, Never Back Down withdrew approximately $2.5 million in future ad bookings in these two states and several national media markets. This move is the latest indication of DeSantis’ allies’ scramble to gain traction in the crucial weeks leading up to the January 15 Iowa caucuses.

Meanwhile, Fight Right, another outside group backing DeSantis, has been focusing on television ads to boost the Florida governor’s chances of closing the gap with front-runner and former President Donald Trump. The group is also working to counter the emerging threat from former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. A recent 30-second Fight Right ad criticizes Haley’s record on China, concluding with the tagline, “We can’t trust Tricky Nikki.”

Scott Wagner, the chairman of Never Back Down, acknowledged the shift in strategy in a statement on Friday. He emphasized that the group’s primary mission is to run a sophisticated grassroots and political caucus operation to secure the GOP nomination for DeSantis, who they believe can rescue America from the “disastrous policies of the Left.” Wagner expressed his enthusiasm for Fight Right and other groups covering the airwaves for DeSantis while Never Back Down focuses on the ground game in key states.

The strategic shift follows several weeks of internal turmoil at Never Back Down, including the departure of top officials and criticism of its resource management. As reported by CNN earlier this month, the group’s initials have become a source of humor in Iowa, with one longtime Republican official jokingly asking, “What’s NBD mean, No Big Deal?”

Never Back Down, established before DeSantis announced his presidential bid in May, has received substantial funding from the candidate’s accumulated funds during his tenure as Florida’s governor. The group has spent over $40 million on advertising and millions more on critical campaign infrastructure, including rallies, town halls, and bus tours in early voting states.

Other pro-DeSantis groups have also emerged recently. Fight Right, which has started spending millions on additional pro-DeSantis advertising, was formed after the governor expressed dissatisfaction with Never Back Down’s advertisements in Iowa. Another new pro-DeSantis group, Good Fight, was established this week, according to Federal Election Commission records. The group has already made new ad reservations totaling approximately $276,000 to target Iowa.