Haley's Campaign Hinges on New Hampshire's Undeclared Voters
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Danielle Brown, a New Hampshire voter with a history of supporting both Republican and Democratic candidates, plans to cast her vote for former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in the upcoming primary. Brown’s decision reflects her desire for fresh ideas and a younger generation of leaders, a sentiment echoed by many undeclared voters in the Granite State.

These undeclared voters, who make up nearly 40% of the state’s electorate, could prove crucial for Haley’s campaign. Haley’s team is focusing its efforts on these voters, particularly in areas where former President Donald Trump underperformed compared to other Republicans.

Despite Trump’s victory in the 2016 New Hampshire GOP primary, he lost the state in the general elections of both 2016 and 2020. A recent CNN/UNH poll shows that while Trump still enjoys the support of 50% of likely GOP primary voters, Haley is backed by 58% of registered undeclared voters.

A victory in New Hampshire could provide Haley’s campaign with the momentum and financial backing needed to compete in South Carolina and the Super Tuesday states. However, a loss could accelerate the Republican Party’s consolidation around Trump.

Despite endorsements for Trump from former candidates like Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Haley remains undeterred. She dismisses these endorsements as Trump aligning with “Washington insiders” and remains confident in her campaign strategy.

As Trump continues his campaign efforts in New Hampshire, he attempts to keep Republicans loyal and out of Haley’s reach. However, Haley’s rallies and town hall meetings in the state have attracted voters who previously supported Trump but now believe it’s time for a change.

While Trump’s base in New Hampshire remains strong, there are signs of shifting allegiances. Some former Trump supporters are now eager to vote for Haley, seeing her as a fresh alternative to both Trump and President Joe Biden.

Despite criticisms and attempts by Trump’s campaign to portray her as weak on border security, Haley insists that securing the border would be a top priority in her administration. She also emphasizes her conservative credentials and her advocacy for a strong US foreign policy to prevent war.

Haley’s campaign message resonates with voters like Nancy Protzmann, an undeclared voter who is determined to prevent Trump from becoming the next president. Protzmann plans to vote for Haley, expressing hope that her vote will both support Haley’s campaign and block Trump’s.

Contributors: Ebony Davis and Ali Main, CNN