Joe Biden's Presidency: A Beacon of Democracy Amidst Political Challenges
Evan Vucci/AP

Defending Democracy: Biden’s Political Campaigns

Joe Biden’s presidency has been characterized by a staunch defense of democracy. His political campaigns have been built on the premise of safeguarding democracy domestically, in contrast to his predecessor, Donald Trump, who was often accused of attempting to sidestep the electoral process. Internationally, Biden’s presidency has been marked by a commitment to defending democracy against threats from autocratic leaders such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

Challenges to Democracy: Domestic and Foreign Fronts

However, Biden’s commitment to democracy has been tested this week, with challenges arising both domestically and internationally. Despite Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s personal appeals to US lawmakers, there has been no shift in the US’s stance on providing further aid to Ukraine. Biden has also recently criticized Israel’s government, describing it as the “most conservative government in Israel’s history” and calling for a change in its aggressive campaign against Gaza.

Demands for Ukraine Funding: A Political Standoff

House Speaker Mike Johnson has expressed support for Ukraine’s fight against Putin, but his demand for certain concessions in exchange for an additional $61 billion in aid has complicated negotiations. The standoff has also affected funding for Israel and border security. Biden has warned that failure to pass the funding could be a significant advantage for Putin.

Border Policy Changes: A Prerequisite for Aid

Republican senators have made it clear that any additional funding for Ukraine will be contingent on changes to US border policy. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has stated that he will not vote to help Ukraine, Israel, or Taiwan until the US border is secured.

Justice in Russia: A Contrast to US Democracy

Meanwhile, in Russia, President Putin has used the justice system to suppress political rivals, most notably Alexey Navalny. This stands in stark contrast to the US, where the justice system is slowly holding Trump accountable for his actions during and after his presidency.

Justice in the US: Holding Trump Accountable

Despite the slow pace of justice, the cases against Trump may have inadvertently strengthened his position in the Republican presidential primary. At the same time, Republicans are attempting to draw parallels between Trump’s alleged crimes and Hunter Biden’s financial dealings and tax issues.

Impeachment Inquiry Against Biden: A Political Move

Republicans are moving to formalize an impeachment inquiry against Biden, seeking more cooperation from the White House and intensifying their search for evidence of financial impropriety by Biden and his family. However, given the slim Republican majority in the House and the number of Republican lawmakers representing districts won by Biden in 2020, the likelihood of an actual impeachment is low.

The Ultimate Democratic Test: The Voters

In about a year, Biden, Trump, and House Republicans will face the ultimate test of democracy: the voters. This will be a crucial moment for Biden’s presidency, as it will determine whether his defense of democracy has resonated with the American people.