Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan Backs Nikki Haley for Presidential Race

In a significant political development, former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan publicly endorsed Nikki Haley for the presidential race on Sunday, a day before the Iowa caucuses. Hogan expressed his belief that despite former President Donald Trump’s likely victory in Iowa, Haley possesses the momentum to emerge as a formidable nominee in the November elections.

During his appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Hogan stated, “The crux of this race is to nominate the strongest possible candidate for November. I am convinced that Nikki Haley carries that momentum.” He further outlined a potential path for Haley to secure a “distant second” in Iowa, possibly triumph in New Hampshire, and then carry that momentum into her home state of South Carolina.

When CNN’s Jake Tapper sought clarification on his endorsement, Hogan responded, “I really did not want to see a multi-car pile-up that would just enable Donald Trump. We need the strongest possible nominee in November. Polls indicate that Nikki Haley is that person. She is 17 points ahead of Joe Biden and neck-and-neck with Trump and Biden. Yes, it is time for the party to rally behind Nikki Haley.”

Hogan also expressed his appreciation for the efforts of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a personal friend, who recently withdrew from the race. “But I believe Nikki Haley is our best chance to present the strongest candidate for November,” he added.

Addressing his recent decision to step down from the leadership of the group No Labels, which is contemplating a third-party bid, Hogan dismissed rumors that he was considering joining the race on their ticket. “I am focused on nominating the strongest possible Republican, which is why I am urging everyone to rally behind Nikki Haley,” he concluded.