Nikki Haley Advocates for Biden's Resignation in the Interest of the Nation
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In a recent interview, Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley expressed her belief that President Joe Biden should resign for the greater good of the nation. Haley’s comments came during a conversation with radio host Hugh Hewitt, where she affirmed her stance on the matter.

“Yes, I do believe that the President should step down,” Haley stated. “I am convinced that the Democratic Party is aware of this necessity, and it’s not just for their party’s benefit, but for the country’s as well. I’ve always maintained that the party which moves beyond an 80-year-old candidate will be the one to succeed.”

Haley emphasized the need for a leader who can commit to an eight-year term with a focus on restoring order, preventing war, and getting the economy and the country back on track. She expressed concern over the current state of the nation and the world, and the potential implications of having presidential candidates in their 80s.

This isn’t the first time Haley has called for Biden’s resignation. She has previously criticized his foreign policy and, following the revelation that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin failed to disclose a hospitalization, she suggested that Biden should be “fired” over the controversy.

These recent comments come at a critical time as Haley seeks to gain momentum ahead of a crucial GOP primary in her home state of South Carolina. The issue of Biden’s fitness for office has been reignited following special counsel Robert Hur’s report. Although the report did not charge the president with a crime, it highlighted apparent memory lapses after Biden failed to adequately protect highly sensitive classified information.

The former South Carolina governor, aged 52, has consistently criticized Biden, 81, and former President Donald Trump, 77, for their age, arguing that they are both too old to serve another four years as president. Haley has also been vocal about the need for term limits and mental competency tests for politicians over the age of 75.